The 5 best flight, hotel and car hire comparators

The 5 best flight, hotel and car hire comparators

Banana-soft has compiled the best search engine for flights, hotels and car rental. Find the cheapest or what best suits your needs.



Skyscanner compares millions of flights to find you the cheapest deal, fast. We also compare and find the cheapest hotels and car rental for your next trip.

¡Skyscanner is free!

When you find your flights and click to book, we link you through directly to the airline or travel agent. No hidden charges, no added fees. So you get the best deals every time!



Momondo is a global travel search site that makes it easy for you to compare the prices on flights and travel deals. With one click you search across the leading providers and travel sites and find the best flight prices. We show you the cheapest departure and arrival dates, the best balance between price and flight time, and reveal how factors such as days to departure and seasonality affect fare prices. And when you are ready to book, we direct you to the relevant company. We don’t sell the tickets - we are a free and independent service for all travellers.




Kayak is a global tech company focused on making online travel better. They search the other travel sites, from online travel agencies to airlines, hotel and rental car websites and show you all the information you need to make the best travel decisions.

They offer a variety of tools and features such as KAYAK Trips, Explore and Price Forecast, along with the award-winning mobile app. KAYAK is a tool that makes your travel problems, solvable.

KAYAK is available in over 30 countries and 18 languages. Each year they process over one billion queries for travel information, and their free mobile app has been downloaded over 40 million times.




Find the cheapest flight among hundreds of sites

Find the cheapest flight tickets in 30 seconds using's powerful search engine. Hundreds of travel sites, 600 airlines, including 70 low cost and all the charters, all in one place.

Organise your trip in minutes

Organise your holiday from start to finish to any corner of the world on from booking your flight tickets to locating the perfect hotel and even a rental car for ultimate freedom while abroad. Find travel deals to the best destinations around the world.



Trabber is a flights, hotels and rental cars online search engine that allows you to compare, with a single click, the results of the main booking sites.

Trabber offers, on a single page, the low cost companies, traditional airlines and online travel agencies offer showing the final prices from the beginning, without commissions.


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