6 Free programs for Geology professionals


We present these 6 free programs, ideal for geology students and professionals, both to work and to learn.

All these programs are free, we hope that you download them, try them and leave us your comments and opinions.

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Rocksnake Geo Mapping Tool - Takes localities from geological mapping projects and plots them in 2D

Rocksnake takes localities from geological mapping projects and plots them in 2D, over an optional basemap. Each locality has all the standard geology notebook contents and photos attached to it which can then be viewed from Rocksnake.


GEOMS2 - Geostatistics and geosciences modeling software

GEOMS2 is a geostatistics and geosciences modeling software. Provides interface for grid (mesh), point, surface and data (non-spatial) objects. It has a 3D viewer and 2D plots using the well known Python engines Mayavi and Matplotlib. It has several functions to manipulate your data as well as provide univariate and multivariate analysis.


Geoix - 3d geology simulation project

3d geology simulation project.


QGIS Geology Symbology - FGDC Compliant Geology Symbology for QGIS 

An implementation of many of the USGS FGDC Geological Map Symbolization for use by QGIS. Also included is a set of QGIS .qml files representing the geochronostratigraphic colour scheme proposed by the Commission for the Geological Map of the World.


GCDPlot - A Microsoft Excel VBA program for geochemistry and geology data analysis

GCDPlot is a Microsoft Excel VBA program for geochemistry and geology data analysis. GCDPlot can use the Microsoft Excel data to plot scatter, ternary chart and discrimination diagrams that can be add, delete and modify by user.


HiiHAT - Hyperspectral Image Interactive Holistic Analysis Toolkit (HiiHAT)

Hyperspectral imagery has provided dramatic new insight into the geology and atmosphere of other planets. However, understanding these images can be quite challenging since scientists can only visualize a small number of bands.