PriMus is the SMART software for quantity surveyor, cost estimating and BoQ needs.
- standard format Price Lists
- cost estimates and BoQs open on screen simultaneously allowing you to work just as you would on your office desk in a simple and efficient way
- use simple drag and drop actions to quickly copy items between documents
- automatic document printouts with highly professional layouts
WYSIWYG user interface (What You See Is What You Get): easier to work with, easier to learn
Work on your PC just as you normally would from your office desk: the quantity surevey and price list layouts are integrated into the program interface to give you a unique working experience; the same you are already used to when working on paper. Open multiple documents all at once price lists or price books, organising them on screen and as you would on your office desk. Work intuitively with drag & drop actions that allow you to efficiently copy all types of quantity surveying data from one document to another drastically reducing the amount of time necessary to learn how to use the software.
The price list, cost estimating, bill of quantities and bid request that refer to a single job are all integrated withing a single file. At the slightlest change, even in a description, a unit rate or a quantity, all the relating documents are updated automatically.
With PriMus you get quickly and intuitively:
- work measurements and estimates
- budgets and offers
- analysis of work needs
- control of construction costs
- You manage the composition of the prices of the items, you import in Bc3 format and you import and export in Excel® and Word® formats based on prices and budgets.
The budget and other documents
PriMus produces and manages multiple elaborates:
- metric computation;
- construction cost estimates;
- work estimate;
- request offer;
- comparative table;
- project templates;
- labor incidence estimate;
- estimation of safety and health incidence;
- technical regulation
PriMus is endowed with a specific “impressions manager” that allows to produce and personalize all the documentation of the project.
You can insert images, customize your prints and print in RTF, WORD, PDF, HTML, ASCII and CSV formats.
Construction Price Base
With PriMus you have free access to an online Price Base for construction that includes more than 6 million items, materials and prices for construction and installation works.
- You have a procedure to convert price bases (for which you have a user license) in a format compatible with PriMus.
- You can always request the conversion of your price base or reference list if it is not available in the online database or if the conversion procedure is not available in PriMus.