Educational games in Flash for learning Geography Interactive maps in Flash Educational games in Flash for learning Geography NATURAL SCIENCES Geographers TEACHING & PEDAGOGY Childhood teachers Primary school teachers Secondary school teachers
The most popular program of celebral entertainment on the web Lumosity The most popular program of celebral entertainment on the web HEALTH & MEDICAL SCIENCES Neurologists TEACHING & PEDAGOGY Special education teachers Childhood teachers Primary school teachers Secondary school teachers
Package of multimedia educational activities Omnitux Package of multimedia educational activities TEACHING & PEDAGOGY Childhood teachers Primary school teachers Secondary school teachers
Collection of educational activities GCompris Collection of educational activities TEACHING & PEDAGOGY Childhood teachers Primary school teachers Secondary school teachers
Unit Conversion ConvertAll Unit Conversion PHYSICAL SCIENCE & MATHEMATICS Physicists TEACHING & PEDAGOGY Secondary school teachers ENGINEERING & ARCHITECTURE Architects Draftsmen Civil engineers Materials engineers Ingenieros eléctricos Electronic engineers Energy engineers Hydraulic engineers Mechanical engineers Chemical engineers
Test your skills with math with games and exercises MathGame Test your skills with math with games and exercises TEACHING & PEDAGOGY Secondary school teachers
Educational tool for graphic and mathematical functions teaching Function Grapher Educational tool for graphic and mathematical functions teaching TEACHING & PEDAGOGY Secondary school teachers University teachers
Tool for mathematics learning and teaching Math Studio Tool for mathematics learning and teaching TEACHING & PEDAGOGY Special education teachers Primary school teachers Secondary school teachers
iMath is a math education app. iMath iMath is a math education app. TEACHING & PEDAGOGY Special education teachers Primary school teachers Secondary school teachers
A system for exercise with math. KKuentas A system for exercise with math. TEACHING & PEDAGOGY Special education teachers Primary school teachers Secondary school teachers