Busuu is a social network for learning languages

Usuu is one of the longest-running services for learning languages ​​online and probably one of the most complete. The language selection is one of the widest, from Chinese to Arabic to Japanese. It works on the basis of interactive courses where the user community plays an important role in establishing video conference conversations.

The most basic Usuu version is free, but if you want access to slightly more advanced tools, you pay a small monthly fee. It also has applications for iOS and Android.

Worldwide community
Practise your language skills with our international community of over 50 million native speakers.

Proven learning method
Their award-winning content is curated by an in-house team of educational experts and teachers.

English language certificate
The Global Scale of English Test (GSET) is a scientifically designed, accurate test to measure your English level.

How does Busuu work?
Learn smart

More than 1000 lessons created by experts in foreign language teaching, with additional functionalities thanks to machine learning, such as study plans and exercises with voice recognition.

Get native speaker fixes
Connect with more than 100 million users and native speakers of the language that interests you. Get instant corrections to oral and written comprehension and expression lessons thanks to our international community.

Busuu banana-soft.com