Excellent knowledge platform

iTunes U


Longtime Apple users may recognize iTunes U as the company’s prebuilt library for free education content, but the app also operates as an online teaching tool that supports course authoring, assigning homework, grading, and course discussions.

Teachers can upload and share materials with students in a variety of formats, including documents, photos, and videos. They can also leverage podcasts, books, and other resources already available in iTunes U. One-on-one chat functionality is included, as is the ability to see when students have viewed or completed assignments.

Limits and the cost to upgrade

With iTunes U, you can have up to 12 courses with 50 students enrolled in each, alongside 20GB of storage. The app is completely free. However, it is only compatible with Apple devices such as MacBooks, iPads, and iPhones.

What users say about iTunes U

  • Extensive library of existing teaching assets to leverage
  • Easy to use for students
  • Clean interface