Stratigraphy is a method for relative dating of archaeological contexts.



Stratigraphy is a method for relative dating of archaeological contexts. The Harris diagram visualises the relative chronology of a site with a diagram that shows the contexts and their stratigraphic relationships. The aim of the program Stratify is to lay out the Harris diagram automatically, taking all the available information on chronology and groupings into account. Stratify stores the data of the contexts and their stratigraphic relationships in a data base. Interactive and automatic checks are also supported in order to detect inconsistent, missing, or contradictory relationships.


  • Unit and relationship data bases
  • Displaying phases
  • Dealing with groupings
  • Thematic box styles
  • Term file management
  • Coordinate projection
  • Interactive and automatic checks
  • Combine absolute dates and stratigrgaphic relationships by monotone regression
  • Output formats: BMP, JPG, DXF, HPGL, MapInfo, SVG, WMF
  • Data base import and export formats: csv, DBASE